Nephop Ko Shreepech 2 Grand Premier: Is english vulgur is ok to publish in television?

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Nephop Ko Shreepech 2 Grand Premier: Is english vulgur is ok to publish in television?

Saroj shrestha, itahari.

The much-anticipated grand premier of “Nephop Ko Shreepech” took place with great fanfare, featuring electrifying performances by some of the biggest names in the Nepali hip-hop scene. Among the highlights was Dong’s performance of his song “Atmaghati,” which has been making waves for its raw and powerful lyrics.

However, the event did not pass without controversy. During Dong’s performance, it was noticeable that while all Nepali vulgar words were censored with beeps, the English vulgar words remained unedited. This discrepancy has raised several eyebrows and sparked a debate among viewers and critics alike.

The Censorship Dilemma

The decision to censor only the Nepali vulgar words while leaving the English ones untouched brings forth a critical issue: Is “Nephop Ko Shreepech” only concerned with Nepali vulgar words, implying that English vulgar words are acceptable on national television? This approach raises several concerns:

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: By selectively censoring language, the show may be perceived as undermining Nepali language and culture. It suggests a double standard that English vulgarity is less offensive or more acceptable, which may not align with the values of the broader Nepali audience.
  2. Audience Perception: The show’s audience comprises diverse age groups, including minors. Allowing English vulgar words to air could have implications for younger viewers, who are equally impressionable regardless of the language of profanity.
  3. Editorial Responsibility: As a program broadcasted on national television, kantipur television “Nephop Ko Shreepech” has a responsibility to maintain consistent standards in content censorship. The editors and producers should be mindful of the message they send through selective editing and ensure that all forms of inappropriate language are treated equally.

The Need for Consistency

The controversy highlights the need for a consistent censorship policy that respects both Nepali and English languages equally. National television channels have a duty to uphold cultural values while also respecting the artistic expression of performers. Striking a balance is crucial to maintain credibility and avoid alienating any segment of the audience.

In conclusion, while “Nephop Ko Shreepech” continues to celebrate and promote Nepali hip-hop culture, it is imperative that the show addresses this inconsistency in its censorship policy. By doing so, it can ensure that all viewers, regardless of language, are provided with content that respects the sensibilities of the entire audience.
