Nepali Hip Hop Scene and Its Major Problems.

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Nepali Hip Hop Scene and Its Major Problems.

Hip hop culture, which originated in the Bronx, New York City in the late 1970s, has been spreading worldwide as a social and artistic movement. In Nepal, hip hop culture has taken root and grown into a vibrant scene, with artists showcasing their skills in rap, breakdancing (b-boying), graffiti, and DJing. However, the Nepali hip hop scene faces several problems, with a focus on rap rather than other elements such as b-boying, graffiti, and DJing, and reality shows that only focus on rap and not the other elements of hip hop.

The Nepali hip hop scene is dominated by rap, with many artists focusing solely on this element of hip hop culture. This trend has led to a neglect of other elements such as b-boying, graffiti, and DJing, which are equally essential parts of hip hop culture. The lack of recognition for these elements has led to a decline in their popularity, with few platforms available for artists to showcase their skills in these areas.

Another significant problem with the Nepali hip hop scene is the dominance of rap-focused reality shows. These shows, which are designed to give aspiring artists a platform to showcase their skills, often only focus on rap and do not provide opportunities for b-boys, graffiti artists, and DJs. This trend has led to a lack of exposure for these elements of hip hop culture, with many artists struggling to gain recognition for their skills.

Furthermore, the rap reality shows in Nepal are often focused solely on voting and earning money, rather than providing a platform for talented participants. This trend has resulted in many talented artists being overlooked in favor of those with larger social media followings, leading to a lack of diversity in the Nepali hip hop scene.

In conclusion, the Nepali hip hop scene is facing significant problems with a focus on rap rather than other elements such as b-boying, graffiti, and DJing. Additionally, reality shows that only focus on rap and not the other elements of hip hop culture have led to a lack of recognition for these elements, and rap-focused reality shows that prioritize voting and earning money over showcasing talent have led to a lack of diversity in the scene. It is essential for the Nepali hip hop community to recognize the importance of all elements of hip hop culture and provide equal opportunities for all artists to showcase their skills and contribute to the growth and development of the scene.