Breaking scene craze is being down in Nepal.

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Breaking scene craze is being down in Nepal.

Hiphop is very common word in Nepalese youths. Many people are attracted towards it .Once upon a time, B boying craze was very popular and many youths were into it. Many national and international b boying battle were hosted in Nepal and breakers from all over the Nepal used to participant.

Now, the scene has been changing as, Youths are attracted more in rap rather than Breaking .Many B boys are going abroad for better opportunities. According to many B boys, “it’s very hard to survive just by doing breaking”.

Breaking is very tough. B boys and b girls should do minimum 4 hours practice to be fine Breakers and to improve their moves, where this modern age of technology has made everyone Lazy. This generation want everything so easily and many of them are attracted towards rap because their is no any physical pain, more money, recognition in it .
Before some years , many b boys used to participant in b boying battle but in present scenario this numbers has been decreasing. All style dancers are increased and also they are active in social media like tiktok and instagram.

Hip Hop headers should be conscious about breaking scene and breakers most to evolve according to time.