Tuki spoke on favour of Rap Reality show !!!

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Tuki spoke on favour of Rap Reality show !!!

Tuki had posted a status on his facebook account about recent controversy of nephop ko shreepech. According to him, there is no point in blaming to any reality show to not having chance to do show in Dubai , Australia and Nepal.

He compared the show with School. School
provides quality education to the student but it doesn’t mean there is the guarantee to have bright future ahead. it means it does matter how a student take the education and use.

Likewise, Show gives platform to the artist but Show doesn’t make the bright future of any artist. It does matter how the artist interact with the audience. In his view, lyricism,content, delivery and realness matters to be a popular Artist. He also mentioned that the artist who are not winners and are talented have got opportunity to have different shows in various places.

More about the artist ;

Tuki Aka Niraj malla thakuri is talented emerging rapper from Pokhara. He is famous because of his skillful writing. He is considered as one of the dope lyricist in the nepali hip-hop scene.He became famous after his battle in Breakstation against Kajimasto. His song really give goosebumps to the audience.