BREAKSTATION’S WAI WAI DYNAMITE BREAKBARS BATTLE is one of the hottest topic in the scene right now, 16 Rap artist from all over the nation who compete with each other to bring some extra heat,bars and uplift Nepali Hiphop scene.
After battling,competing with one’s opponent this 4 MC’s have entered to semi-final of the breakbars battle they are; KUSH , DMRITI ,REX , SWOPNIL .
KUSH all the way from kvt,Jhapa. He faced BEEBEK at first round and BIKEY in the quarter final. Ankush Adhikari aka KUSH is no doubt one of the deserving candidate for this battle. He is also the winner of Sabda Sangram season 1.He is a good musician his songs like Dhakk maa, Kurakani, Kailey Sochney, Paisa are so good. Let’s see how will he perform against DMRITI.
DMRITI all the way from Jhapa,Nepal. She faced PHONIX NEMESIS at first round and then she took remarkable victory over YENZEN all the way from Bhaktapur in the quarter final of the battle. She is the only female rapper in the battle right now, she’s been doing music for long time so let’s hope she will keep on doing lit shits. Her songs like Maaf garideu, Ma ko ho ,i’ve been here loving you, Apeshit are so lit. Let’s see how will she perform against KUSH.
REX siddhai paschim bata, who faced YBA O21 at round first and then got victory over TUKI in the quarter final of the battle. He is very good at pen game and also the winner of Sabda Sangram season 2. His songs like Birano, Manobaad, Black Fungus, Yabitch are fire. Now let’s see how will he perform against SWOPNIL.
SWOPNIL all the way from kathmandu who had faced BULK’E and then got victory over L’S MOB in the quarter final of the battle. He is a great performer up to now, his songs like Naya Nepal, Eutai, Ani ma, Bhawanna are so good. He is also a former Rap battler of Raw Barz. Now let’s see how will he perform against REX.
All this 4 MC’s are best in their own way, they have performed very well up to now but the thing that matters is who will made their journey up to finale and will claim that winner tag ???